As we put Christmas 2011 behind us and look forward to the beginning of 2012, many of us are thinking about what we want to accomplish, what we want to do differently and steps we will take to make a difference. Many will engage in making New Years Resolutions and will start the year with a bang, convinced this is the year they will make a difference. Unfortunately, many of these resolutions will fail from lack of one thing.....WILLPOWER! Too many times, we just don't have the willpower to make a change.
I submit, many of the problems our country is experiencing is due to lack of willpower. Businesses, politicians and citizens simply don't have willpower, to make the tough choices required to achieve better results. Politician's concerns for getting votes, makes it too difficult for them to make the tough choice of refusing to keep spending money. Business leaders are too focused on short-term stock prices to make the tough choices needed for long-term viability. Citizens are too worried about buying the next gadget, to make the tough choices to save their money, instead of spending. The need to have the latest edition of a product; please some constituency, meet some shareholder's demand, cause many problems that could be avoided, if we simply had willpower.
How many gym memberships won't be used by the end of January? How many credit cards will be cut up, only to have new ones replace them? How many will start online education and then quit after one semester? How many will start the year regularly attending church only to quit once a winter storm arrives? How many marriages will fail because involved parties give up? There are many other areas, but you get the point. Our lives don't change, simply because we lack the commitment to follow through and the desire to make needed changes; quite simply we lack WILLPOWER. Too many people's physical, financial, spiritual and relational well being will not be as good as it could, because they don't have the willpower to follow through and make a real difference.
What could we accomplish if we exercised our willpower? What kind of improvement would we see in the lives of our friends, families, communities and our country if we stuck to it? Think about areas in your life that you need to change, make those changes and then have the WILLPOWER to make it happen. I bet your 2012 will be much better than your 2011!
Now, I'm going to have that piece of pie I've been trying to resist:)
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
What does it really mean to be a Christian? we hear so many people these days profess to be a Christian. Now, I'm not saying I have all the answers or I'm always successful but I have been thinking a lot about that word and what it means.
I honestly believe the word has become so common, we no longer really take the time to think about what we are saying, when we say, "I'm a Christian." I won't take the time to go into a biblical discussion about exactly what the word means, but I hope I can at least make us think about it.
In its roots, the word Christian means "Christ-like." Now, I can only speak for myself, but that seems to me to be a very powerful meaning and unfortunately, I fall short more than I would want to admit! My limited understanding of Christ, is that He wasn't interested in fitting into anyone's specific mold. Religious leaders of his day were unapproachable, untouchable and were more interested in hype than substance. If I read my Bible correctly, Jesus hung out the uneducated, ate with sinners and impacted those He met everyday. In fact, the religious leaders of his day are the very ones who wanted to kill him! Now, I wonder why that was.......I'm guessing because he revealed their fraud and in doing so, provided an example for us to follow today.
I could go on, but my point is not to give a Biblical lecture, but rather make us think about how me may be identified in our daily responsibilities and how we might really become a Christian. I'm confident we all recognize a real Christian when we see one. To me, I am identified as a Christian, not but what I profess but how that profession is translated into action. A Christian isn't someone that just shows up to church a couple of times a week, but rather, someone that actually lives what they learn at church! It isn't saying one thing and doing another. It isn't taking advantage of the goodness of others. It isn't using scripture to achieve my own agenda. It isn't just my words, but in fact, how I live those words out every day! Some may have a different opinion as to what a Christian is but I think we all know when we see a real one!
Please understand, none of us are perfect, least of all, yours truly, but it is my hope that we all try to continually live better. We are in the perfect season of the year to reflect on being a Christian and I, for one, hope those I come in contact with, at least recognize my desire to be a real Christian! Maybe, just maybe, if we really thought about what the word means before we use it, we might actually show the world what a real Christian looks like.
Have a Merry Christmas!
I honestly believe the word has become so common, we no longer really take the time to think about what we are saying, when we say, "I'm a Christian." I won't take the time to go into a biblical discussion about exactly what the word means, but I hope I can at least make us think about it.
In its roots, the word Christian means "Christ-like." Now, I can only speak for myself, but that seems to me to be a very powerful meaning and unfortunately, I fall short more than I would want to admit! My limited understanding of Christ, is that He wasn't interested in fitting into anyone's specific mold. Religious leaders of his day were unapproachable, untouchable and were more interested in hype than substance. If I read my Bible correctly, Jesus hung out the uneducated, ate with sinners and impacted those He met everyday. In fact, the religious leaders of his day are the very ones who wanted to kill him! Now, I wonder why that was.......I'm guessing because he revealed their fraud and in doing so, provided an example for us to follow today.
I could go on, but my point is not to give a Biblical lecture, but rather make us think about how me may be identified in our daily responsibilities and how we might really become a Christian. I'm confident we all recognize a real Christian when we see one. To me, I am identified as a Christian, not but what I profess but how that profession is translated into action. A Christian isn't someone that just shows up to church a couple of times a week, but rather, someone that actually lives what they learn at church! It isn't saying one thing and doing another. It isn't taking advantage of the goodness of others. It isn't using scripture to achieve my own agenda. It isn't just my words, but in fact, how I live those words out every day! Some may have a different opinion as to what a Christian is but I think we all know when we see a real one!
Please understand, none of us are perfect, least of all, yours truly, but it is my hope that we all try to continually live better. We are in the perfect season of the year to reflect on being a Christian and I, for one, hope those I come in contact with, at least recognize my desire to be a real Christian! Maybe, just maybe, if we really thought about what the word means before we use it, we might actually show the world what a real Christian looks like.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
What Do You Focus On?
I love watching people! Seriously, you should try it some time and I promise you, it will be quiet entertaining. Try this, just watch as people walk by, look at the expressions on their face and try to imagine what they are thinking....shoot, for that matter, make it up in your on head! Ok, maybe I have lost it but I've done this myself and find it quiet humorous!
I also love to find out what makes people tick, why do they act the way they do or what, exactly, are they wanting? To really understand people, I have found I need to figure out what they are focusing on. I'm not talking about what they are looking at literally, but what is it they are trying to accomplish.
Now, I know we are all busy and the world seems to be moving at lightening speed, but if we ever realized what we are focusing on, it would probably reduce our stress level. I suspect, too many times we are focused on things that really don't matter or since I'm grew up in south Louisiana, "it don't amount to a hill of beans." Personally, I can get so worked up about something, that in the big scheme of things don't matter and later realize, I was worried about something that I should have ignored. My wife (Lord, bless that lady) has often brought this to my attention and I admit, I have a long way to go to fixing this issue....NO comment needed from said wife:)
All of this has made me start thinking about "what should I be focused on?" Here is what I have determined:
1) My relationship with God- now I'm not trying to get all spiritual on you but if that relationship isn't right, you will never find fulfillment.
2) My relationship with my family- my wife and kids are the most important people in the world to me. If you don't fall into that group, then you just have to understand. Here is the deal, when all the rest of the world forgets about me or moves on, those 3 folks will always have my back. Outside of my immediate family, I care about my extended family. I know we all have some "weirdos" in the bunch and you folks know who you are, so don't make me start calling names, but yes, I care about you too.
3) My relationship with my friends---I'm not talking about the "friends" that are friends when they need something. I'm talking about those, "died in the wool, I'll walk through hell, kind of friends. Those folks that know you can be just plain ignorant and they don't care. People that time and distance may separate you from but they are still your FRIEND! Yes, I have a few of those and I appreciate all of them.
If you don't fall into one of those groups, don't get all "hot and bothered." I'll still do my best to treat you right and be a good citizen, but just understand you don't make the Top 3 of my areas of focus. You may come in a close #4 or #5 and you will have to just settle for that... unless you somehow can crack of the other areas and the God slot ain't changing.
So why don't you just give it some thought...."what do you focus on" and is it really important. I bet, it will change your perspective on a lot of things and probably make you a better person.
Now, go do some people watching:)
I also love to find out what makes people tick, why do they act the way they do or what, exactly, are they wanting? To really understand people, I have found I need to figure out what they are focusing on. I'm not talking about what they are looking at literally, but what is it they are trying to accomplish.
Now, I know we are all busy and the world seems to be moving at lightening speed, but if we ever realized what we are focusing on, it would probably reduce our stress level. I suspect, too many times we are focused on things that really don't matter or since I'm grew up in south Louisiana, "it don't amount to a hill of beans." Personally, I can get so worked up about something, that in the big scheme of things don't matter and later realize, I was worried about something that I should have ignored. My wife (Lord, bless that lady) has often brought this to my attention and I admit, I have a long way to go to fixing this issue....NO comment needed from said wife:)
All of this has made me start thinking about "what should I be focused on?" Here is what I have determined:
1) My relationship with God- now I'm not trying to get all spiritual on you but if that relationship isn't right, you will never find fulfillment.
2) My relationship with my family- my wife and kids are the most important people in the world to me. If you don't fall into that group, then you just have to understand. Here is the deal, when all the rest of the world forgets about me or moves on, those 3 folks will always have my back. Outside of my immediate family, I care about my extended family. I know we all have some "weirdos" in the bunch and you folks know who you are, so don't make me start calling names, but yes, I care about you too.
3) My relationship with my friends---I'm not talking about the "friends" that are friends when they need something. I'm talking about those, "died in the wool, I'll walk through hell, kind of friends. Those folks that know you can be just plain ignorant and they don't care. People that time and distance may separate you from but they are still your FRIEND! Yes, I have a few of those and I appreciate all of them.
If you don't fall into one of those groups, don't get all "hot and bothered." I'll still do my best to treat you right and be a good citizen, but just understand you don't make the Top 3 of my areas of focus. You may come in a close #4 or #5 and you will have to just settle for that... unless you somehow can crack of the other areas and the God slot ain't changing.
So why don't you just give it some thought...."what do you focus on" and is it really important. I bet, it will change your perspective on a lot of things and probably make you a better person.
Now, go do some people watching:)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
What is Compassion???
You may think the answer to this question is very obvious, but I would like to explore it a little deeper. Every year, around this time of year, we hear a lot about showing compassion and there are many opportunities to give to others. While we all hope we are compassionate, I sometimes wonder if the actions we take are really that helpful and compassionate.
Over the last several days, I have had numerous opportunities to give to people and in some instances I engaged in those opportunities. However, it has also made me think, if I am really doing what is best for the individual. For instance, traveling like I do, I have had several instances of people approaching me at a gas station or fast food establishment asking for gas, money, food, etc. I have been amazed that if I offer to purchase food or pay for gas directly, I have often been rejected. This made me start thinking.....are the actions we take really compassionate or are we just "kicking the can?"
We have all heard the saying, "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." I think we need to spend more time, teaching people rather than giving to them! Let me say, I understand in this tough economy, there are many people hurting and with significant needs and I have no problem helping these folks, because I have been there. I just want to make sure I am helping them. For instance, if I give someone money thinking they have a legitimate need only to find out they take some outlandish vacation, have I really helped them? If I give money and they waste it on alcohol or drugs, have I helped them? What if I give them food, without inquiring to the reason for their need or what they are doing to help themselves, am I really helping them? I'm not saying just because I give, I have a right to control how they use it, but I do believe I have a responsibility to make sure I'm a good steward of what I have been given.
Our government has created a large group of society that takes no responsibility for their actions but quickly cashes the government check they receive every month. They take, take, take from the government but do absolutely nothing to help themselves. Yes, unemployment is high but that doesn't mean there are no jobs to be had! Take a look around you and notice how many "help wanted" signs you see. Now, maybe they don't pay what someone would want, but it sure beats NOTHING! I was raised to work hard and not depend on someone else. My dad took jobs nobody else wanted, so he could provide for our family, so excuse me if I have no patience for some "Occupy Wall Street" pansy who whines! Get off of your backside and do something! We have a problem when people make more money mooching off of the government and have no incentive to WORK! Every 26 seconds, a child drops out of high school and most of them end up on the government payroll (there are some that rise up and make something of themselves). If we just continue this trend, we will soon have a country of no innovation, no incentives, no desire and ultimately no responsibility! We must take action to keep kids in school, provide incentives for hard work and give a hand up not a hand out!
I have indeed been blessed and have much to be thankful for, but I have also worked hard to be successful. The road hasn't always been easy and I've had to ask for help from time to time, but it wasn't because I wasn't trying to better myself. I'm proud of how God has blessed me and what the hard work of my wife and I have allowed us to achieve. I'm proud of my two kids, who have learned there is no such thing as a free lunch. I will forever be thankful, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take it for granted. No, I'm going to keep working, keep pushing and keep trying to achieve even more. It's not greed, it is a strong desire to provide the best life I can for my family. I know first hand life isn't easy and that's why I want to make sure that my compassion actually goes to those in need.
If you have a need, I will be compassionate but I will also hold you accountable. Am I wrong????
Over the last several days, I have had numerous opportunities to give to people and in some instances I engaged in those opportunities. However, it has also made me think, if I am really doing what is best for the individual. For instance, traveling like I do, I have had several instances of people approaching me at a gas station or fast food establishment asking for gas, money, food, etc. I have been amazed that if I offer to purchase food or pay for gas directly, I have often been rejected. This made me start thinking.....are the actions we take really compassionate or are we just "kicking the can?"
We have all heard the saying, "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." I think we need to spend more time, teaching people rather than giving to them! Let me say, I understand in this tough economy, there are many people hurting and with significant needs and I have no problem helping these folks, because I have been there. I just want to make sure I am helping them. For instance, if I give someone money thinking they have a legitimate need only to find out they take some outlandish vacation, have I really helped them? If I give money and they waste it on alcohol or drugs, have I helped them? What if I give them food, without inquiring to the reason for their need or what they are doing to help themselves, am I really helping them? I'm not saying just because I give, I have a right to control how they use it, but I do believe I have a responsibility to make sure I'm a good steward of what I have been given.
Our government has created a large group of society that takes no responsibility for their actions but quickly cashes the government check they receive every month. They take, take, take from the government but do absolutely nothing to help themselves. Yes, unemployment is high but that doesn't mean there are no jobs to be had! Take a look around you and notice how many "help wanted" signs you see. Now, maybe they don't pay what someone would want, but it sure beats NOTHING! I was raised to work hard and not depend on someone else. My dad took jobs nobody else wanted, so he could provide for our family, so excuse me if I have no patience for some "Occupy Wall Street" pansy who whines! Get off of your backside and do something! We have a problem when people make more money mooching off of the government and have no incentive to WORK! Every 26 seconds, a child drops out of high school and most of them end up on the government payroll (there are some that rise up and make something of themselves). If we just continue this trend, we will soon have a country of no innovation, no incentives, no desire and ultimately no responsibility! We must take action to keep kids in school, provide incentives for hard work and give a hand up not a hand out!
I have indeed been blessed and have much to be thankful for, but I have also worked hard to be successful. The road hasn't always been easy and I've had to ask for help from time to time, but it wasn't because I wasn't trying to better myself. I'm proud of how God has blessed me and what the hard work of my wife and I have allowed us to achieve. I'm proud of my two kids, who have learned there is no such thing as a free lunch. I will forever be thankful, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take it for granted. No, I'm going to keep working, keep pushing and keep trying to achieve even more. It's not greed, it is a strong desire to provide the best life I can for my family. I know first hand life isn't easy and that's why I want to make sure that my compassion actually goes to those in need.
If you have a need, I will be compassionate but I will also hold you accountable. Am I wrong????
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