Ok, I admit, the titel is not original with me....I read it today and it served as my inspiration for this edition:)
Every news report you see, hear or read reminds us of all the problems our world is facing. Unemployment is above 8%, price of gas is $4.00/gallon, homes are being foreclosed on in record numbers, our government is engaged in grid-lock, wars and rumors of wars, on and on it goes! It is no wonder more Americans are depressed and upset than ever before. But, what if we just have the wrong perspective? What if we quit focusing on ourselves and our problems long enough to focus on the postive? What if, we...you and I, need to stop with all the pessimism and realize there is a certain Optimism of Opportunity? Following are a few areas I believe we have an opportunity to be optimistic.Let me show you what I mean....
Government: At the risk of being Captain Obvious, let me point out we are in an election cycle. It is very easy to complain because our politicians are doing nothing. Easy to think nothing will change and they aren't listening to the people. Easy to believe that "little ole you" can do anything about the stalemate of our government. Here is an area with much Optimism of Opportunity! In an era where every vote counts, if you ever want a politician to listen, you have that chance now! So quit just setting around complaining and get involved! Call them, email them, get to know what they stand for.... campaign for or against them, contribute your time and/or money and watch what happens! Trust me, we have an opportunity to change how things are doing in our States and in Washington DC but we have to be optimistic and make our voices heard. I'm optimistic we recognize we have no right to complain, if we do nothing!
Families: we have too many single-parent homes, too many selfish parents thinking only of themselves, too many willing to just let kids raise themselves while mom and dad go do their own thing. Look at the statistics and it can be depressing! But, let's look at the opportunity for optimism. What if parents refused to let Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton and others be the example for their kids and the parents were roll models instead of worried about being "friends?" As parents we have the greatest opportunity to instill a strong work-ethic, strong morals and demonstrate integrity than anyone else. Let's quit letting "society" shape our kids and the future of this great country and be REAL parents! Think about what would happen, if we spent more time talking to our kids, listening to their challenges and helping them work through their problems. I'm pretty optimistic we have an opportunity to make a difference and would be shocked at the result.
Churches: I may get in trouble on this one but here goes:) How many times to we spend a few hours in church each week hearing about how bad our world is and then leave and do nothing to change it? It's easy to carry our big family bibles (oops I forgot, we all have the a Bible app now so no need for that) and think about how much of a Christian we are and can't believe all the "heathens" in our world:) Can I get an "amen" somebody? I think we can all agree we have a reason to be optimistic about our opportunity here! How about we do more than argue our "religious" beliefs and actually put them into practice? Visit some family who is down on their luck and buy them dinner. Find some teenager from a broken home and show them you care! Don't be so quick to point out how someone doesn't line up to your concept of what a "christian" is and show them the life of a REAL Christian." How about show the love of the God you supposedly worship, instead of acting like you are "God's gift the world?" Remember..."such were some of you...." You see, we have many reasons to be optimistic about our opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone who is hurting!"
I could go on but you have probably quit reading by now anyway and you get the point:) Maybe you don't agree and that's ok. I get upset about many of the same things we all do but just reading that simple phrase today made me think just a little about being more OPTIMISTIC! I say, it can't hurt!
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