Thursday, March 1, 2012

As I See It

Spend time watching the news on a regular basis and one really has to wonder, what kind of world do we live in?  The question we should all be asking ourselves, is how did our world get in this shape?  This blog may be a little long, but stick with it as I would like to hear your thoughts.

This may be too plain spoken for some in the political correct crowd, deal with is how I see it.

Our institutions have failed us miserably; by that I mean our (1) Government, (2) Education system, (3) Religion and (4) Family unit.

Government- this country was founded on the American Dream and that dream was built on equal opportunity for all.  There were no guarantees of success, no promises you would drive a nice vehicle or live in a nice home (for that matter, no promise you would survive), no promise you get a college education or have a great job.  NO, simply that everyone would have opportunity! What you do with that opportunity is your choice and each of us have to live with the results, of the choices me make.  It's called experience.

Our government has failed by promising the "right" to an education, the "right" to home ownership, the "right" to have contraception. Look what that has got us.  Our divorce rate is increasing, the housing market continues to decline and people of no concept of personal accountability. Yet, politicians keep promising freebies, because we have a generation that is more interested in a hand-out than a hand up! We don't need more government, we need the government to get out of the way and return this country to its original foundations.

Education System- America used to have an educational system where our kids actually learned something that would help them live a fulfilled life. Then along came the Teacher's Union and our education system went down the toilet!  How else can you explain the fact that teachers in New York are getting paid over $100,000/year to stay home because they are predators, but the school system can't fire them.  I have an have sex with a child in school and we give you the death penalty! Harsh, I don't think so, because these creeps have messed up the kids for life with their perversion.

Then there is the testing problem which has resulted in teachers merely teaching so kids past some standardized test and we move them through the system, to become unproductive members of society. How about we actually TEACH them reading, writing, math and science, so they have the skills to get a good-paying job? How about we test them on these types of lessons and if they fail, God-forbid, they don't go to the next grade?  How about we tell the teacher's unions to either be part of the solution or take a hike, because we refuse to be held hostage by some liberal elites who want nothing more, than to line their pockets with our tax dollars!

Religion- I'm sure this one will get me in trouble with some of you:) Yes, our religious establishments have failed us.  Too many churches have become nothing more than entertainment venues handing out hype over substance.  This country was founded on freedom of religion, so all you heathen liberals, get over it! Churches need to be teaching biblical truths and save the motivational garbage for some other time.  How about we start with the TEN COMMANDMENTS?  I know some view them as suggestions but sorry, GOD said they were COMMANDMENTS.  Might I even suggest we start with"Thou shalt not bear false witness......" It is a sad time when you can't believe a man or woman's word.  There was a time in this country a person's word was their bond. Not so, now-a-days:( It's time we  quit quoting the contents of the Bible and started living them!  We need preachers that aren't afraid of hurting someone's feelings and tells the folks what  THE GOOD BOOK requires of them. BTW....wouldn't hurt if we spent more time praying for this country, our leaders, our children and our families and we could start with "Lord, deliver us from evil."

Family Unit - the family unit has failed.  No longer are kids taught right or wrong, but sadly they are taught "situational ethics." No such thing!  You either have ethics or you don't and it doesn't matter the situation.  It is "do as I say, not as I do." What kind of example is that? A bad one! Too many fathers/mothers have abandoned their spouse/kids simply because they wanted to live out some fantasy and didn't want to accept any responsibility.  Say what you want, but a marriage is between a man and a woman and it works best that way. Kids need both parents to direct them through the muck and mire of this society.

We need parents to quit letting athletes and the Kardashians be role models! Reality TV should not be your kid's baby sitter, as the creeps on those shows have no morals and most parents wouldn't want their kids associating with these low-lives anyway! In short, we need parents who are more interested in being parents than friends! My kids know we always lived by The Golden Rule...."he who has the gold, makes the rules." Since mom & dad had the gold, the kids didn't get to make the decisions or tell us what they were going to do. Novel concept, but they actually asked permission.  I believe if we returned to the days of "Mayberry" we would see our world improve.

By no means do I claim to be an expert on world problems but I do believe if we followed some fundamentals, we could turn this country around.  Maybe I'm too politically incorrect for some but the politically correct way doesn't appear to be working and I just think the TRUTH always works best.

I welcome your thoughts or feedback.

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