Wednesday, October 12, 2011

..."But Why?"

If you have kids or if you remember when you were a kid, I'm sure you can relate to a situation all parents encounter at some point and more often than we would like. I remember, as a kid, asking my parents the reason for something and them providing an answer, but then me saying....."but why?"  I'm confident everyone that is a parent has encountered this and oftentimes wish your little interrogator would just accept the answer you provided.  Our quest for knowledge and deeper understanding will not allow us to just accept how things are and we seek a greater understanding.  Many times, this leads us to also want to change the circumstances and not just accept "this is how things are done around here."

Some of the greatest changes in our world and the greatest inventions happened because someone refused the accepted response and asked, "but why?"  We recently mourned the passing of Steve Jobs, who we all know, refused to accepted how things were and challenged everyone around him to continually improve and adapt.  I'm confident, if you just take a moment, there are many situations you can relate to where improvements were made, simply because someone followed up with a "but why."  With that in mind, I have a few "but whys" I would like someone to consider......


1) Should drug users be allowed to live in public housing paid for the taxpayers?
2) Do politicians work for special interest instead of our interest?
3) Should our country provide financial aid to countries who hate us?
4) Shouldn't healthcare providers be paid based on results instead of procedures?
5) Couldn't those on unemployment provide community service until they find a job?
6) Do illegal aliens receive benefits paid for by U.S. citizens?
7) Are politicians pensions better than military pensions?
8) Are athletes and celebrities role models for our kids instead of real heros?
9) Are people who cheat on their taxes allowed to serve in our government?
10) Do "We the People" not change our country?

I could go on but I think you get the picture.  I'm sure you could add many of your own questions to this list and I encourage you to do so.  Regarding #10, I think we all know the reason is too many times we are too preoccupied or just don't care unless and until it directly impacts us.  I think we can do better and I think all we need is a little more COMMON SENSE!

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