Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Are There Still Giants Among Us?

Recently, several people from my parent’s generation have passed. To the casual observer, these were just ordinary folks. Had you passed them on the street, nothing about them would have stood out.  However, if you looked into their lives, you would find many of them were legends.  No, their accomplishments weren’t listed in newspapers and magazines. There wasn’t mention of political correctness. They didn’t receive awards or recognition, in this life; but that’s what made them giants.  They went about their daily lives in a non-spectacular fashion. They gave a hard-day’s work for a day’s pay. They were committed to their country, churches, local communities and families.  They served others and served God.  They didn’t expect handouts or government assistance. They believed you earned what you received.   Many served our country during wartime, yet were humbled by the responsibility.

When I look to subsequent generations and the culture of today, it gives me pause.  When I hear younger people squeal about this country owing them, it’s cause for concern. It’s become cliche to complain and expect someone else to carry the burden. Too many expect this country to do something for them, instead of exploring what they can do for this country. When the marriage rate is declining, while divorce rate is growing, it reveals a lack of commitment to each other. When churches have to create an almost circus-like atmosphere to boost attendance, it shows a lack of accountability to a higher power.  When presidential candidates want to “fundamentally change” this great country to a form of government that has lead to other country’s demise, I tremble in fear.

At a recent funeral, a friend told me it’s time for my generation to stand up.  I couldn’t agree more but  when I look around, I wonder, as the old Merle Haggard song goes, “Are the Good Times Really Over for Good?”  Are there still giants among us?  I believe there are and hope they will stand up.

Hebrews 12: 1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses....”

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