Name the top three senators, most likely to be viewed negatively, by the
mainstream media, all Democrats and even a substantial number of
Republicans. I am betting one name
consistently pops up on everyone’s list and that is Senator Ted Cruz. His willingness to say what’s on his
mind and even put his thumb in the eye of the Republican establishment makes
one either love him or hate him.
There is no middle ground when it comes to how folks feel about Ted
Cruz. A few comments from
Republicans about Cruz’s efforts to force a vote on President Obama’s executive
action on immigration make my point:
don’t see any goal other than irritating a lot of people”- Sen. Orrin Hatch
failed to see what conservative ends were achieved”- Sen. Jeff Flake
unfortunate and counterproductive” –Sen. Susan Collins
move is a problem not a strategy- Sen. Johnny Isakson
friends like this, who needs enemies?
Fortunately, Ted Cruz isn’t looking for new friends. In a 2013 interview with ABC’s Jon
Karl, Ted Cruz said, “And, you know, I’m not serving in office because I
desperately needed 99 new friends in the U.S. Senate.” This simple statement exposes a lot
about Cruz’s mindset and it’s something I believe most of his Republican
colleagues would do well to learn.
Ted Cruz is serving the people who elected him to office! I know that’s
a novel idea but the facts speak for themselves. Public Policy Polling on April 17, 2014 showed Cruz had a
better net approval rating in Texas than both Rick Perry and John Cornyn at
+12, with 47% of voters approving him.
It seems the more Cruz ticks off the old guard of the Republican Party,
the more he endears himself to those who voted him into office. I would suggest, Republicans would do
well to take a break from criticizing him and work with him for a better 2016!
is the case for the man, sarcastically referred to by liberal stalwart, Bob
Beckel as “my man Teddy Cruz.” If
you look back in history, many of Republican’s greatest victories came when
they not only campaigned to change things but, once elected, actually worked to
make that change. Let’s look at a
couple of examples:
Reagan Revolution- Ronald Reagan campaigned on a brighter future for
America. After President Carter
had spent most of his term bowing to foreign leaders (sound familiar), with a
let’s just “go along to get along”
mentality, the American people were ready for someone to take a stand for
America! Enter Ronald Reagan, who soundly defeated Jimmy Carter by establishing
confidence in the American dream; promising America’s better days were still
ahead and making it popular to have pride in America. If Reagan’s defeat of
Carter was big, it was nothing compared to four years later when he trounced
Walter Mondale, receiving the highest number of electoral votes ever received
by a presidential candidate.
Reagan enjoyed success because he did what he promised the American
people he would do.
Contract With America- Even with a hugely popular President Bill Clinton,
Newt Gingrich felt Republicans could win big, if they promised the American
people they would take action on specific legislation. In the 1994 mid-term election,
Republicans gained the majority of seats in the 104th Congress. The consummate politician, Bill
Clinton, understood the voice of the voters, compromised with the Congress and
moved to the center, in order to achieve great legislative success. This was
done because Republicans did what they promised voters they would do.
Cruz was elected to stand for the American people and specifically the voters
of Texas. His recent efforts show
his willingness to suffer ridicule by the Establishment, as long as he is doing
what the voters elected him to do.
A recent Bloomberg poll reveals 56% of respondents disapprove of
President Obama taking executive action to deal with illegal immigration, with
only 39% approving. Ted Cruz heard
the voters and is doing what he promised.
Republicans argue they don’t have the votes to stop Obama, so they cave
to his wishes. I would argue, it
doesn’t matter if you have the votes to stop him…. try anyway! If you fail to
stop him but can show you tried, the results are on Obama and Democrats. If Democrats ram their policies through,
over your objections, you can campaign on the fact you tried. The American
voters are tired of a “go along, get along” group of Republicans and they
elected conservatives en mass in November to STOP Obama and the Democrats. Republicans would be well served to
stop attacking Ted Cruz and other conservatives and join forces with them. Let the American people see you stand
for something, get your message out and 2016 will be impressive!
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