As the 2016 race for the White House heats up, I'm afraid the GOP is not listening or learning. I know we won big in the 2014 mid-terms but that is in the past and we need to be focused on the future. I know I'm not a big-time politico but in spite of what the Establishment of both parties want you to think, this stuff isn't rocket science. Don't believe me? Just look at some of the folks who serve in Congress....(Pelosi just popped in my head). Here's the deal. If the GOP wants to win, they must do three very basic things:
1) Learn who your friends are- Newsflash GOP! The mainstream media does not like you and does not want you to win. CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS don't care about your ideas or the truth. If they did, Obama wouldn't have been elected the last two elections. They refuse to address the scandals of this Administration. They don't care the IRS treats conservative unfairly. They don't care Bergdahl was likely a traitor and yet we gave up terrorist in exchange for his release. They don't care border patrol agents were killed with guns from Fast & Furious. They are defenders of a liberal agenda and this President ,so quit trying to cozy up to them! This brings me to my next point.
2) Ignore Obama! I know he is the President but he is done. Learn from Joni Ernst and her rebuttal to the SOTU speech. She welcome his thoughts and then promptly ignored him and spoke directly to the American people. She outlined what she believes Republicans are going to try and accomplish. Obama likes nothing more than to bait you into fighting with him! It keeps you from accomplishing anything and gives him more press time. Stop it! Pass legislation, put it on his desk and dare him to veto it. IF he does, go back to Congress and work to get votes to override the veto. Let that happen a couple of times and he will stop. Even if you can't get votes to override veto, it shows the American people the truth about this President and many in the Democratic party. It shows who is obstructing progress. Finally....
3) Stay on message- I probably should start with actually get a message as we keep hearing different things from Republicans. You don't have to respond to everything the President says. The American people elected you to STOP the President's liberal agenda. Do it! Talk about cutting individual taxes, reducing corporate taxes to make us more competitive, reducing the size of government, getting us out of debt and eliminating fraud. These are things main-street Americans know and understand. Come out every day and outline what you did, that day, to stop the President's agenda and help the American people. Talk about how you are focused on protecting our homeland and fighting radical Islamics. Call it what it is and the American people will rally around you. Ignore the daily polls. The one that mattered happened in November 2014 and you WON!
I know it may sound overly simplistic but I guarantee you it will work and 2016 is yours for the taking. Continue on your drunken-sailor path, allowing liberals to define you and good luck winning the White House.