Anyone who knows me, knows I am a political junkie so forgive me if this is too much for you. For as long as I can remember, I have heard people complain about the state of our country and our government. While we all agree, we live in the greatest country in the world, we know, we can do better.
America has more freedoms than any other place in the universe. We have freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion along with many others. You never hear someone talking about living the "Saudi or Iranian" dream. America, since it's birth, has been the country that encouraged innovation and free enterprise, we have spread capitalism to countries across the planet and in doing so, lifted the quality of life for untold millions of people. When dictators get out of line or tragedy occurs, who is expected to deliver aid.....AMERICA. When WWII was raging, who stepped in and brought it to an end....AMERICA. When natural disasters occur, who is the first to step up with all kinds of support.....AMERICA. I could go on but you get the point.
It is precisely, because this country delivers greatness across the planet, that we cannot set back and just assume we will always be a great nation! I'm tired of hearing folks complain about our government, the political process, our leaders and policies but yet, do nothing to improve it. We may dislike and disapprove of the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd's methods or message, but we must give them credit for doing something, (however misguided), to make an impact.
This year is an election year and everyone can have an impact on determining the path and future of this country. We have had unemployment over 8% for years, gas prices are out of sight, 401Ks are taking a beating, more people on food stamps and other government programs than ever before and a national debt over 15 TRILLION dollars! So what are we going to do about it? Oh, I know many of you will vote....great! THAT IS YOUR DUTY but are you an educated voter? Do you just listen to commercials and make a decision based on the best sound bite or do you really know where each candidate stands?
Here are just a few tips for those that are willing to do more than complain:
1) Know the issues
2) Know the candidate's stand on those issues
3) Don't just listen to main stream media, do your own investigation
4) Get involved in the process....contribute financially, make phone calls, talk to friends and family.
5) Talk to your current political leaders.... call them, send email or letter and let them know you care
There are many other things one can do to get involved and make a difference but one thing we must not do is NOTHING! Our country's future and the future of our kids and grandkids is too serious an issue to just stand idle, while others take action. So the next time you start to complain, ask yourself, are you just talking or are you willing to take action, to make a difference! What a difference we could all make if we quit making excuses and started making a difference!
BTW.....if you want to discuss politics, I'm always ready:)